Quozl's Open Source - X

Quozl works in outback Australia as a firmware and test engineer for a non-profit in Miami that makes laptops for children, and for a business as a systems administrator.

Quozl worked on Open Firmware (IEEE 1275-1994), which uses the Forth programming language. For many years Quozl maintained the version that is used on the One Laptop per Child computers, the most complete and extensive version ever.

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Articles in Category X

Netrek - Vanilla 2.19.0 released

C Programming X-Windows Programming Network Programming
New version of the Netrek Vanilla Server, with many changes.

(6 December 2016)

Gytha 0.9 released

X-Windows Programming Network Programming
The game of Netrek, a multi-player real-time 2D strategy game, with a full-screen display, sounds, and achievements.

Here's where it gets complicated.

Your team starts with ten planets. Each player flies a starship. You shoot at enemy ships with torpedos and phasers. You fly to, scan and bomb enemy planets to deny their use by the enemy team. You protect your own planets by preventing the enemy from reaching them.

(23 October 2012)

Netrek Client COW 3.3.1 released

C Programming X-Windows Programming Network Programming
Quozl has just released another version of the Linux Netrek Client, with many changes. Never played Netrek? Now's the time to learn.

Pick your flavour. If you've never played, try:

But if you are a regular, try:

(18 October 2011)

Netrek - Vanilla 2.18.0 released

C Programming X-Windows Programming Network Programming
New version of the Netrek Vanilla Server, with many changes.

(18 June 2011)

Netrek - Vanilla 2.17.0 released

C Programming X-Windows Programming Network Programming
New version of the Netrek Vanilla Server, with many changes.

(2 September 2010)

Netrek - Vanilla 2.16.0 released

C Programming X-Windows Programming Network Programming
New version of the Netrek Vanilla Server, with many changes.

(1 September 2009)

Starting APRS on Linux

X-Windows Programming Network Programming Electronics
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an amateur radio system for real-time tactical digital information. How do you get started with APRS on Linux in Australia? Install xastir, configure it to grab data, watch the event stream build on a map.

(15 October 2008)

Netrek Client COW 3.2.4 released

C Programming X-Windows Programming Network Programming
A new version of the Linux Netrek Client, with many changes. Never played Netrek? Now's the time to learn, given the active development team.

Some of the changes are:
  • play, fixed inability to fire a stream of eight torps when in TCP mode,

  • play, fixed a delay in responding to keyboard and mouse events,

  • clue play, display mid-galactic messages relating to INL mode games, including pregame, pause, and time left in game.

  • metaserver list window, changed default metaserver mode to UDP,

  • graphics, menu styles adjusted to remove thick white lines,

  • graphics, finished full screen and camera support,

  • login, fixed delay,

(16 July 2008)

Xtank 1.3f for 800x600

Linux C Programming X-Windows Programming
Remember Xtank? Contributions are sought. Update 2017: see https://github.com/lidl/xtank

Quozl had packaged Xtank 1.3f for Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Woody) back in 2001, and for 3.1 (Sarge) in 2004, modified for 800x600 monitors. Now contributions are encouraged against the source repository ... there are a few opportunities to fix things ... the threading, the robot programs.

The 800x600 style 2004 binaries: add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb http://quozl.linux.org.au/xtank ./

... and then

apt-get install xtank-north

(7 July 2008)

LK450-AA and LK46W-A2 Keyboard Maps

Linux X-Windows Programming
In December 2000 Quozl wrote up how to use Digital Equipment Corporation LK450 or LK46W keyboards with Linux. The kernel has changed since then, but the keyboards still work.

for use with kernel 2.6.9 and later, with setkeycodes, which enables the keys otherwise not known by the kernel, for Intel Linux, for Alpha Linux. To use an xmodmap file, give it to the xmodmap program as the first argument. For example, add xmodmap lk450.xmodmap to your .xsession file.

Why bother? It lets Quozl run emacs in EDT emulation mode, allowing his source editing to follow hindbrain original programming, without having to learn new keystrokes just to get going.

(14 September 2005)

GTK+ Focus Watch

Linux C Programming X-Windows Programming
Asks your X server which window you are using and uses the information to charge your labour to different time tracking tasks. Useful for people who want to figure out which windows they are spending their time in, or those who need to fill out a timesheet to get paid.

Stable release 1.0, two years after initial development release.

(26 November 2001)

Netrek Vanilla Server Administration GUI

Linux C Programming X-Windows Programming Network Programming
Quozl leads the Netrek Vanilla Project, an open source game server for the game of Netrek. One of his contributions to this project is gum, a GUI front end to the server configuration files. It was implemented using GLADE on GTK.

(1 February 1999)
