Quozl's OLPC XO-1 Signal Strength Meter

| quozl@us.netrek.org | up |



Added hint for quit button. Add minimum, maximum, average, pause, erase.

What's This?

A quick hack to show link quality, signal level, and noise level from the Linux kernel wireless interface, at ten updates per second.

The levels are shown as circles of varying diameter, where the radius is determined by the level.


Figure 1
Showing License


Figure 2
Normal Running


For direct download, see ssm.py, but if you just want to read the code, here it is:

    Signal Strength Meter
    Copyright (C) 2010  James Cameron (quozl@laptop.org)

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import sys, pygame

license = [
"Signal Strength Meter",
"Copyright (C) 2010 James Cameron <quozl@laptop.org>",
" ",
"This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;",
"for details see source.",
" ",
"This is free software, and you are welcome to ",
"redistribute it under certain conditions; see ",
"source for details.",
" "
version = '0.3'

pause = 100             # milliseconds between screen updates
license_show_time = 10  # number of seconds to show license for
thickness = 4           # thickness of circles in pixels
freeze = False

fonts = ('DejaVuSansMono.ttf', 'DejaVuLGCSansMono.ttf')
fontpaths = ('/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/')

# colours
c_black = (0, 0, 0)
c_blue  = (0, 0, 192)
c_green = (0, 192, 0)
c_red   = (192, 0, 0)

c_license = c_black
c_link    = c_blue
c_signal  = c_green
c_noise   = c_red

def get_rf_raw():
    """ obtain wireless status from first network interface """
    fp = open('/proc/net/wireless', 'r')
    head = fp.readline()
    head = fp.readline()
    line = fp.readline()
    (x, x, link, signal, noise, x, x, x, x, x, x) = line.split()
    return (int(link.replace('.', ' ')),
            int(signal.replace('.', ' ')),
            int(noise.replace('.', ' ')))

samples = []

def get_rf():
    global samples, min_l, min_s, min_n, max_l, max_s, max_n, avg_l, avg_s, avg_n

    raw = get_rf_raw()
    q = len(samples)
    if q > 100:
        samples = samples[1:]
        q -= 1
    (l, s, n) = raw
    (min_l, min_s, min_n) = (l, s, n)
    (max_l, max_s, max_n) = (l, s, n)
    (tot_l, tot_s, tot_n) = (0, 0, 0)
    for sample in samples:
        (l, s, n) = sample
        (min_l, min_s, min_n) = (min(min_l, l), max(min_s, s), max(min_n, n))
        (max_l, max_s, max_n) = (max(max_l, l), min(max_s, s), min(max_n, n))
        tot_l += l
        tot_s += s
        tot_n += n
    avg_l = tot_l / q
    avg_s = tot_s / q
    avg_n = tot_n / q
    return raw
#    return (avg_l, avg_s, avg_n)

# what to do when user wants to leave
def op_quit():

# produce a screenshot for documentation purposes
def op_copy():
    pygame.image.save(screen, "/tmp/ssm-snapshot.png")
    print "snapshot taken"

# toggle pause of screen updates
def op_freeze():
    global freeze

    freeze = not freeze

def op_clear():
    global samples

    samples = []

# control keyboard table, relates keys to functions
kb_table_control = {
    pygame.K_d: op_quit, # control/d to quit
    pygame.K_c: op_copy, # control/c to make screen snapshot

# normal keyboard table, relates keys to functions
kb_table_normal = {
    pygame.K_q: op_quit, # q to quit
    pygame.K_f: op_freeze, # f to freeze
    pygame.K_SPACE: op_freeze, # space to freeze
    pygame.K_BACKSPACE: op_clear, # backspace to clear samples

def kb(event):
    """ handle keyboard events from user """

    # ignore the shift and control keys
    if event.key == pygame.K_LSHIFT or event.key == pygame.K_RSHIFT: return
    if event.key == pygame.K_LCTRL or event.key == pygame.K_RCTRL: return

    # check for control key sequences pressed
    if (event.mod & pygame.KMOD_CTRL):
        if kb_table_control.has_key(event.key):
            handler = kb_table_control[event.key]

    # check for normal keys pressed
    if kb_table_normal.has_key(event.key):
        handler = kb_table_normal[event.key]

class FontCache:
    def __init__(self):
        self.cache = {}

    def read(self, names, size):
        if names == None:
            return pygame.font.Font(None, size)

        for name in names:
            for path in fontpaths:
                    return pygame.font.Font(path + name, size)
        return pygame.font.Font(None, size)

    def get(self, names, size):
        key = (names, size)
        if key not in self.cache:
            self.cache[key] = self.read(names, size)
        return self.cache[key]

def draw_license():
    c = min(255 * (100 - license_show_count) / 100, 255)
    fn = fc.get(fonts, 34)
    x = 50
    y = 394
    for line in license:
        ts = fn.render(line, 1, (c, c, c), bg)
        tr = ts.get_rect(left=x, top=y)
        y = tr.bottom
        dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))

def draw_labels():
    fr = 40 # framing pad for data labels
    fn = fc.get(fonts, 35)
    ts = fn.render('ssm.py ' + version, 1, c_black, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(left=0, top=0)
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))
    ts = fn.render('LINK QUALITY', 1, c_link, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(centerx=width/2, top=fr)
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))
    ts = fn.render('SIGNAL LEVEL', 1, c_signal, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(left=fr, bottom=height-fr)
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))
    ts = fn.render('NOISE LEVEL', 1, c_noise, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(right=width-fr, bottom=height-fr)
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))
    fn = fc.get(fonts, 22)
    ts = fn.render('press q to quit', 1, c_black, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(centerx=width/2, bottom=height)
    y = tr.top
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))
    ts = fn.render('press space to pause', 1, c_black, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(centerx=width/2, bottom=y)
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))

def draw_results(show):
    colour = c_black
    if not show:
        colour = bg
    fn = fc.get(fonts, 20)

    ts = fn.render('min  link %3.0f signal %3.0f noise %3.0f' % (min_l, min_s, min_n),
                   1, colour, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(right=width-10, top=10)
    x = tr.left
    y = tr.bottom
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))

    ts = fn.render('avg  link %3.0f signal %3.0f noise %3.0f' % (avg_l, avg_s, avg_n),
                   1, colour, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(left=x, top=y)
    x = tr.left
    y = tr.bottom
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))

    ts = fn.render('max  link %3.0f signal %3.0f noise %3.0f' % (max_l, max_s, max_n),
                   1, colour, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(left=x, top=y)
    x = tr.left
    y = tr.bottom
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))

    ts = fn.render('  last %d samples' % len(samples), 1, colour, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(right=width-10, top=y+10)
    x = tr.left
    y = tr.bottom
    dirty.append(screen.blit(ts, tr))

def draw_item(show, colour, x, y, radius, v):
    if not show:
        colour = bg
    if radius < 0:
        radius = 0
    p = pygame.draw.circle(screen, colour, (x, y), radius+thickness, thickness)
    fn = fc.get(fonts, 50)
    ts = fn.render(v, 1, colour, bg)
    tr = ts.get_rect(centerx=x, centery=y)
    q = screen.blit(ts, tr)
    dirty.append(pygame.Rect.union(p, q))

def draw_link(link, show):
    draw_item(show, c_link, width/2, height/3, link*15/10, "%d %%" % link)

def draw_signal(signal, show):
    if signal != -256: # scanning?
        draw_item(show, c_signal, width/3, height*2/3, 156+signal, "%d dBm" % signal)

def draw_noise(noise, show):
    draw_item(show, c_noise, width*2/3, height*2/3, 156+noise, "%d dBm" % noise)

from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] message",
                     version="%prog " + version)
                  action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
                  help="generate verbose output")
                  action="store_true", dest="no_license", default=False,
                  help="do not display license")
(opt, args) = parser.parse_args()

if not opt.no_license:
    for line in license:
        print line

fc = FontCache()

screen = pygame.display.set_mode()
width, height = screen.get_size()

white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0, 0, 0)

pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT, pause)

if opt.no_license: license_show_time = 0
license_show_count = (1000 / pause) * license_show_time

fg = black
bg = white

# prepare background

# initial drawing pass
(link, signal, noise) = get_rf()
dirty = []
draw_link(link, True)
draw_signal(signal, True)
draw_noise(noise, True)

# main event loop
while True:
    event = pygame.event.wait()
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
    elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
    elif event.type != pygame.USEREVENT:

    if freeze:

    dirty = []
    if license_show_count > 0:
        # slow screen redraw with license present
        # everything is redrawn
        license_show_count = license_show_count - 1
        draw_link(link, False)
        draw_signal(signal, False)
        draw_noise(noise, False)
        if license_show_count == 0:
        (link, signal, noise) = get_rf()
        draw_link(link, True)
        draw_signal(signal, True)
        draw_noise(noise, True)
        # fast screen redraw with license absent
        # only changes are redrawn
        (old_link, old_signal, old_noise) = (link, signal, noise)
        (link, signal, noise) = get_rf()

        if signal == -256: # scanning?
            signal = old_signal

        if link != old_link:
            draw_link(old_link, False)
            draw_link(link, True)
        if signal != old_signal:
            draw_signal(old_signal, False)
            draw_signal(signal, True)
        if noise != old_noise:
            draw_noise(old_noise, False)
            draw_noise(noise, True)

    # update only the portions of screen that were changed

| quozl@us.netrek.org | up |